Page name: The defender. rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-03 12:00:47
Last author: Sonya Blue
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The Defender.

Arya's differnet froms-working on it

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2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian "but why would she kick my ass?"

2010-07-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Syn shrugged,"I don't know, I was in the bar at the time... Something about you not gonna let her go with you."

[Baseing this off of Ivy's history]

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian smiled "ah yea thats right i told her i didnt want her going with me yea i remember now"

2010-07-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Syn smiled a little and nodded.

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian smiled "Note to self never tell a friend no"

2010-07-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Syn chuckled softly.

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian smiled "its a hard lesson to learn too"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy got on her horse, Nightmare and rode to meet up with the others.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She looked up at Idian "You tried to tell me no too, we see how that worked out didn't we..."

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy saw the others. Good they didn't leave without me. she thought as she rode up to them."Hey guys."

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya looked to Ivy "Hello"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy stopped her horse and smiled at them,

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled slightly

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy sniffed."Is Syn drunk again?"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded, rolling her eyes "When is he NOT drunk..."

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "When he has just woken up?" She chuckled.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she frowned slightly "Right..." she laughed a little

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy chuckled softly.

Lyra was in her room at Nickolaus's house. She had just finished dressing in a purple corest and a long black skirt. She tied on a silver cross around her neck.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo sat at a table in a tavern. He was gathering information on Idian and his followers. Attacking straight out would be foolish, he needed to plan. He sipped his scotch thinking.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra pulled on her black leather gloves on then she slipped on her black boots.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya leaned against the tree again, and sighed

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo leaned back thinking. He had accepted a contract on Idian in the hopes of a good fight, but currently he had no information other then what he looked like and his name. Nothing on fighting styles, powers not even his residence.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy saw a sad almost dead flower on the ground, so she waved her hand at it and the flower was all better with fresh color and life. Ivy smiled a little.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya watched Ivy heal the flower "..."

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy patted Nightmare's mane.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo stood up silently and paid for his drink, leaving town. No information there on Idian he thought. He wondered about the other contract, the one on Arya. It paid the same as killing Idian, and he knew Nickolus wouldn't want her dead. Who put out that contract? he wondered for the sixteenth time.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy looked back at the village with a frown when she noticed all the flowers where almost dead. She waved her hands and the flowers where all healed with a fresh bloom.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya yawned, and stretched "well, I'll say this...It's a bit more colorful now"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo saw the flowers change. He remembered one of Idians companions could alter plant life. Maybe being here wasnt a waste after all he thought as he returned to walking.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy smiled at Arya."Yes much better."

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled back at Ivy and looked around

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy patted Nightmare's mane, gently.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo saw the two women, he knew both of their appearances. He walked calmly forward, not letting out an aggression. He couldn't fight them here, the flowers gave Ivy a large advantage.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy looked over at Duo and she tiled her head a little.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya looked over, seeing him "..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked at them "interesting power, which of you did it" he knew the answer already.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I did." ivy said softly.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Interesting power, but one that must drain you considerably, especially on such a large scale" he commented looking around.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya frowned slightly, not saying anything

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "No not really."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo squatted down looking at the flowers "Even when bringing that many dead flowers to bloom?" he asked

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya narrowed her eyes "Why are you asking her these questions?"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy said nothing, she just looked at Duo.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked at Arya "An entire field of dead flowers suddenly blooms to life before your eyes and you would not question HOW it occurred?" he asked calmly

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "She controls nature, thats all you need to know, you do not need to know how it effects her"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Because if there is one thing I've learned its that to do something you must sacrifice something. If you wish to play you sacrifice work, if you want to work you sacrifice your free time, if you bring an entire field of flowers to life" he waved his hand to the field "You have to sacrifice something."

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy shrugged a little but said nothing.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She frowned at him "Be that as it may, it is still not your concern..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "True, but if we didnt question anything" he said standing up "We wouldnt know anything."

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She sighed, getting a bit annoyed now "I think you are missing my point..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo nodded "I understand your point. But, I naturally question things, I like to know how things work."

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She smirked "I see, Your curiosity will end up getting you into trouble one day, you should be more careful..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "It has before, but" he touched his swords on his back "I've always found a way out."

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "One day you wont" She frowned

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "If it does then I hope that at least fall to a warrior" he said looking at Arya.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she was still frowning at him "...Right then..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "You do not like me" he said. It wasnt a question it was a statement.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "I don't trust you, there is a difference, I do not know you, so therefore I can not say I do not like you..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "ah, so you find me suspicious?" he asked crossing his arms.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "I do..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "i see, though, I could say the same for you two. Two women standing alone in a field of flowers." Duo pointed out.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She frowned "Our companions are not far, not that we need to explain ourselves to you..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "No you do not" he agreed shifting his sheath on his back a little. He looked at Arya "You seem to be overly cautious." he noted

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "I know I am..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Only people with something to hide are so cautious" he said calmly

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "Weather I'm hiding something or not is not your concern..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Your right, unless its illegal" he said placing a hand on one of his swords handles "In which case I will beat you and drag you to the nearest authority"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She narrowed her eyes at him "I don't think you want to try that..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Its not a matter of wanting to" he said calmly "But as a bounty hunter I have an obligation to stop criminals, if you are that is"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She made a face "Thats what I thought you were..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "So the question is, are you a criminal or not?" he said calmly "depending on your answer you will receive and apology or a blade"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "Do I look like a criminal? Seriously?" She put one foot back

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "You'd be surprised" Duo said, taking a step forward.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "I advise you to just turn around and keep walking..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "So it seems you are criminals" he said drawing his swords and holding one SEAL style, the other in a regular grip.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She growled, sounding almost animal like "Turn around, and leave. Now"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "I told you, as a bounty hunter I have an obligation to bring criminals to justice" Duo said calmly.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "And as the Defenders protector, I have an obligation to keep people like you away!" she was growling louder now

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "The Defender?" Duo asked, his eyes narrowing "You claim to be a protector of the Defender?"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She snarled at him "I do..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked her in the eyes before sheathing his blades "Few would attempt a lie like that, and you do not seem to be a liar" he got on his knees and bowed his head into the dirt "Please forgive me"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She blinked, relaxing a bit "...You are forgiven..." She watched him cautiously

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo stayed on the ground "I apologize, however I believed you were targets. I have been looking for a person who can control plants, but I was unsure of her level of abilities, why I asked all those questions"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "You have the wrong girl...There is no reason she would ever be a target..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo stood up "Yes, a companion of The Defender would not be my target, and would have no reason to be"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded slighltly

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "i apologize again. My name is Duo"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "I'm Arya..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Found you he thought "Nice to meet you, though I wish it was under better circumstances"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She frowned at him

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Though I must say it is dangerous to be alone" he looked at her "A few people would gain a great deal from harming The Defender"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "What are you trying to say?"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo glanced around "There are rumors, of contracts on anyone associated with The Defender"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "I see..." watched him carefully

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Sizable amounts, especially for you and The Defender himself" Duo said looking her in the eyes.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She frowned "Really now..." She didn't take her eyes off of him

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked away an ugly look on his face "Always the way, the darkness eating at the light"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "If you plan to try and collect those bounties, then you have a fight on your hands."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "I only deal wiht lawful bounties, not underground ones" Duo said sounding offended.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: She didn't buy it "Right..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo sighed "I guess you have the right not to believe me, after all I did draw on you"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she raised a brow at him "That, and you seem pretty odd to me..."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked at her and smiled a little "Yes, I get called odd quite often"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy nodded."I agree with Arya"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya didn't take her eyes off of Duo, seemed like she was waiting for him to do something stupid

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo turned to Ivy "Sorry again for suspecting you. And you are?"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I'm Ivy." She smiled at Duo.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya continued to watch him

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Ivy?" he asked "seems we both have odd names"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "How so?"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "You are named after a poisonous plant, I am named after the number 2"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy got off her horse and walked over to Duo, she tiled her head up, so she could look at him."And your name would be?"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Duo" he said looking at her.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Duo. Nice name." She smiled.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Thank you. Im afraid i cant return the compliment, I had a bad experience with poison ivy as a child" he managed a weak smile remembering the horrible week of scratching like a flee bitten dog.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I was named after normal ivy as in the climbing kind."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Ah I apologize then, though unfortunately 'ivy' instantly brings the bad kid into my mind"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy shrugged a little."It's fine. I normal get people making that mistake."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "I imagine so" he said looking at the field of flowers.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy nodded.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "It's amazing you were able to bring this field to life without even breaking a sweat" he said surveying all the flowers

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "It just comes naturely to me."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Why did you do it?" he asked looking at her.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Cause I was bored."

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya stayed silent

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "I'd advise a less flashy way of doing it in future" he said turning "Once again sorry. Hopefully our next meeting wont involve my swords leaving the sheath."

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy shrugged."Once again it's fine, Duo"

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she watched him leave

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo walked away from them. he reached into his jacket and withdrew a cigarette lighting it as he walked.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy got back onto her horse, she looked at Arya."He was intersting." She smiled

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "he was suspious"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Intersting and suspious."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked around, trying to recall the next cities direction, he glanced back once at the two women on the hill before jumping up, hovering just above the ground before shooting up into the air.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: she rolled her eyes.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy just smiled at her

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian snuck behind him them and poked their sides.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo flew toward a town, a town where Nickolus was currently residing.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy eeped and jumped.

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: Arya looked at Idian "..."

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian smiled "Hiya"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Ivy punched Idian's shoudler."I hate it when you do that!"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo landed outside of the town and walked in, passing through the busy streets with ease by taking the alleys.

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian rubbed his shoulder "ow" he chuckled

2010-07-23 [Sonya Blue]: "Hi Idian?"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I didn't hit you that hard you big baby"

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian smiled "bite me ivy and hey again Arya"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo found the place he was looking for, Lyra's home and knocked on the door.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra opened her front door, she looked at Duo but said nothing.

ivy rolled her eyes

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Lyra? Friend of Nickolus" he asked her

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra shrugged a little."Maybe."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked at her "We havent meet in person before, only through contacts. My name is Duo, I have worked taking care of some 'problems' you have had"

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian smiled "ya know you love me"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Come on in. I'll get Nickolus for you." She walked away to Nickolus's room.

ivy rolled her eyes

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo followed silently as she lead him.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra knocked on Nickolus's bedroom door."Nickolus?" She called.

[Jimmy! Your wanted XD]

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian smiled "oh you dont?"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "bite me asshole."She meant in a sister brother way

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian chuckled "gladly"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: ivy snapped her teeth at him

2010-07-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Idian chuckled "so nice"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I completely forgot!]

Nickolus groaned and rolled out of bed. Walking to the door not bothering to get dressed period, he'd open it. "What." he'd grumble.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: "You might want to umm....get dressed, Nickolus because you have a vistor."

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus dragged her in and slammed the door. "Who is it?" he'd ask as he began to pilfer through random clothing.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra eeeped a little."Hey! Watch the corest." She sighed."That guy you payed to take care of the little promlbem you had"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus nodded and stood there getting dressed winkingat her. "You know you love the view." he'd girn.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra rolled her eyes."Just hurry up and get dressed."

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus rose a brow. "What If I want to make them wait a few hours." he'd grin at her.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra sighed."I'll be down stairs in the den when your ready to meet your guest." She said as she walked out the room and down the stairs. She looked at Duo."He'll meet you in the den." She said as she walked to the den."Follow me"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo nodded and followed silently.

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus grumbed and finished getting dressed, waiting a moment or two.

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra walked into the den with Duo."Please sit."

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus finally left, heading to the den.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "I'll stand thank you" Duo replied and leaned against the wall

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: NIckolus finally entered and leaned against the doorframe. "What?"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra looked at Duo and nodded then she looked at Nickolus."Your guest." She nodded to Duo

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo bowed to Nickolus "we havent meet before, only through contacts"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus nodded. "Yeah and what do you need?"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked at him "I wished to ask you something"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus nodded. "Ask away."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Did you put out the contract on Idian?" he asked straight up.

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: NIckolus shrugged. "Maybe?"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "Did you also put out the 'Kill' contract on Arya?" he asked

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus shrugged. "I don't know why I should answer. I don't know you."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "You dont, but I have killed a few people for you in the past"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus rose a brow. "And?"

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "and I wished to know" he shrugged "all the contracts on The defender and company are all anonymous for some reason"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus nodded. "And shall they remain."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "alright then" he shrugged "Now I know it was you"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus shrugged. "If you say so, now leave."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "very well, sorry to disturb you" he said walking towards the door.

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus glared at her. "Next time find out what someone wants."

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra rolled her eyes."yes sir."

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo stopped at the door "not her fault, I should have told ehr my reasons"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus stormed off to his room. "Yes, you should have."

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra sat down on the arm chair by the fire place

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: Duo looked at Lyra "Is he always like that?"

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra nodded."Yes he is"

2010-07-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Nickolus began to draw up another hit, but didn't sign it yet.

2010-07-23 [Strawboy]: "I take it you are the one who handles the delicate side of things" Duo said, noting ehr calm demur

2010-07-23 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lyra nodded."Yes thats right"

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